2003 Area 7 Championship
There were hundreds of photos taken. We will try to get as many online as soon as we can. Below are links to the pages available so far; check back often.
[Pre-Match Setup] [More Setup]
July 2003 AWARE Match
Harvard Action Shooters, Tim, Alpo, Jim, Ray, Jon, Gregg, Todd, Matt, and Dan posing at the AWARE match. They look good, now can they shoot? Check out more photos of the AWARE match courtesy of Al Evans.
Sept 2002 Manville Monthly Match
HAS captured at Manville, RI on September 15th, 2002. Some really good photos thanks to Matt Grasse. [click here]
June 2002 Harvard Monthly Match
What a great day this turned out to be! First it rained, then it stopped, then it rained some more, then it got hot and sunny. We had a great turn out; 59 shooters. Even a young junior shooter came out for the match who impressed a lot of folks. Congrats to Allan Zitta who took first place overall! [click here]
2001 Northeast Section Championship at Harvard
Lots of great photos of the last match of the season for Area 7 shooters. Check it out! [click here]
2001 IPSC Rifle Match
Just when you thought all you needed was a nice pistol for IPSC... [click here]
2001 Glock Match at Harvard
A great day, lots of fun, shooting Glocks, who could ask for anything more? [click here]
N.Y. Championship
See the guys from Harvard who took the trip to N.Y. in 2001. [click here]
Wednesday Practice
Yeah, ok, so we like to see pictures of ourselves with guns... [click here]